Private Cloud Deployment – Data-centre Security Configurations – Hybrid Cloud Design
Worried about data safety when you moving to cloud Computing? Does your emails contain private confidential information? Are you worried about your trade secrets being leaked out to others? How much do you trust your service provider that you are ready to keep your private confidential data with them? Cloud Computing resources seem to be quite a solution but the cloud computing applications not serving your corporate needs?
Own Your Cloud- Private Cloud Deployment
Private Cloud deployment gains importance especially for all companies who wish to move to cloud but unaware of how secure their data shall be. We offer a one-step solution for cloud computing requirements with a very low cloud computing and deployment costs. We shall transfer complete physical resources and applications including Physical servers to cloud and deploy load balanced servers with high availability on your own private cloud. Cognosys is a Leading global Cloud Deployment Vendor with large clientele on private cloud which are connected to Public cloud also for routine stuff in a hybrid topology.Call us today to find us how we can help you.