Cognosys & CISCO : Another year of Networking
Cisco is the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate. Networks are an essential part of business, education, government and home communications today and Cisco Internet Protocol-based (IP) networking solutions are the foundation of these networks. Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create Internet solutions that allow individuals, companies, and countries to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction and strengthen competitive advantage. The Cisco name has become synonymous with the Internet, as well as with the productivity improvements that Internet business solutions provide
Cognosys with a array of products based on Cisco firmware for Financial services sector, Urban city solutions, Telecommunications, Cloud Computinng, Low Latency Algorithmic Trading Platform & Ultra Low Latency Middleware Financial Services Cloud Solutions; leverages from its alliance with Cisco on these fronts and endeavours to provide world class cutting edge solutions using the best of breed technology available in the market.
We are in better position than anybody to be able to give you a end to end solution by sheer virtue of being experts and having direct OEM contracts in whatever product of Cisco you wish to deploy.