Cog Messaging Extreme Performance: 1 Million Messages on Mini-ITX Motherboard with Intel Atom 450 Processor With Azure Cloud Backend
Cognosys, an Intel EDC Premier member, is Proud to showcase performance test results of its cogMessaging Middleware Stack on an Intel Embedded Motherboard containing a Low end Intel Atom 450 Processor ( Even your tablet has a better processor!!!) Which beats performance of Quad Core processors, Expenisve Server motherboards and Gbs of DDR3 RAM.
With deeper slice of Bleeding edge technology stack across Azure Cloud & embedded Motherboards; Cog Messaging cuts sharp through claims of Vendors for Million + messages per sec on High End Server Systems (Quad core processors, High End Xeon Motherboards and 10GbE cards).
Cognosys brings same performance with a Intel Atom MotherBoard 1-450 Motherboard with Intel Atom 450 processor. There is no comparison of this processor with any of xeon processsors available in the market(Compare Specification of a Intel 450 Processor ( 1 core/1.25ghx processor) With a Xeon Processor Used by Competitive Products (8Cores/3Ghz/4 Memory Channels/8GTper sec) for testing . Running a Market Data Feed off a Embedded MotherBoard booted from a USB?? Dream On…
Yes, Cognosys has launched new series of complete embedded stack with its CogMessaging Middleware Offering nearly 1.2 Million messages per sec With latency of 250ms and thoughput touching 129Mbps . All using a Meagre Mini ITX motherboard, a low end Intel atom 450 processor and cog Messaging Server being Fed from a Worker Role From Azure.
Azure Cloud + Low End Embedded Mini ITx motherboard + cog Messaging MiddleWare Stack.
1.Throughput TEST#1 with 1000000 1 byte Messages
./CogMsgingServerThroughput -l tcp://eth0:6004 -s 1 -c 1000000
################ CogMessaging Throughput Test ###############
Messages per Second =1192647 messages per second
Throughput Mean in Megabits per Second: 9.541176 Mbps
./CogMsgingClientThroughput -l tcp:// -s 1 -c 1000000
2.Throughput TEST#2 with 100000 1 byte Messages
./CogMsgingServerThroughput -l tcp://eth0:6004 -s 1 -c 100000
################ CogMessaging Throughput Test ###############
Messages per Second = 1162115 messages per second
Throughput Mean in Megabits per Second: 9.296920 Mbps
./CogMsgingClientThroughput -l tcp:// -s 1 -c 100000
3.Throughput TEST#3 with 100000 16 bytes Messages
./CogMsgingServerThroughput -l tcp://eth0:6000 -s 16 -c 100000
################ CogMessaging Throughput Test ###############
Messages per Second = 1013962 messages per second
Throughput Mean in Megabits per Second: 129.787136 Mbps
./CogMsgingClientThroughput -l tcp:// -s 16 -c 100000
Latency Tests
1.Latency TEST#1 with 100000 messages of 1 Byte Size
./CogMsgingServerLatency -l tcp://eth0:6001 -s 1 -c 100000
################ CogMessaging Latency Test ##################
Latency (Average) = 259.06612 us
Count (Round Trip) = 100000
Size of Message = 1 in bytes
./CogMsgingClientLatency -l tcp:// -s 1 -c 100000
2.Latency TEST#2 with 200000 messages of 1 Bytes Size
./CogMsgingServerLatency -l tcp://eth0:6001 -s 1 -c 200000
################ CogMessaging Latency Test ##################
Latency (Average) = 253.68707 us
Count (Round Trip) = 200000
Size of Message = 1 in bytes
./CogMsgingClientLatency -l tcp:// -s 1 -c
Cognosys CogMessaging Stack serves as a middleware stack for low Latency High thoroughput Messaging and useful for verticals like Financial Services Industry, Product assembly Lines/ Factories/ Remote Warehouses using low cost low latency High Volume updates, High Volume Data Synchronisation between On Premises and cloud or across data centres,Real Time Business Analytics / Data synchronisation for example retail malls, Hospital Chains, High traffic Web Applications.
Driving on Bleeding edge technological stacks, Cog Messaging above is running off an Embedded Motherboard( Intel 1-450 motherboard booted through a 4 GB USB Stick running Linux) . No Hard Disc. No SSD. No High End addons. Processor- Intel Atom 450 Processor and getting feed through our Cog App Fabric Agents Running off Azure Cloud and shows the possiblities of high Thoroughput Low Latency messaging without paying the cost of high end Server Machines.