Cloud Security & Cloud Auditing: Cloud Compliance As A Service

Managing Cloud Security and having a cloud deployment which meets internal compliance requirements,as existing with physical infrastructure, is a challenge with CIOs are facing with recent rush to put everything to cloud.

What information to be put on cloud? what information to be part of public cloud deployment and which data is supposed to be kept on premise or on private cloud is a question every organisation is plagued with.
“To Be or Not To Be” is the question?
Cloud Compliance And Cloud Security is a shared responsibility between the Cloud Vendor and Cloud Customers. To achieve compliance on Cloud, the application or services which the customers host on Cloud must also comply with security guidelines which has been decided for internal infrastructure with regards to national laws and industry best practices.
In public cloud, regulatory content must go hand in hand with trusted cloud provider. Cloud security is not just about complying with PCI,HIPAA, SAS II. These security compliance certificates shall be anyway provided by cloud vendor like azure , amazon etc. but security is as good as the least knowledgable developer who has contributed to a small part of the cloud application development process.Routine things like opening a port within internal company network might have seemed very small thing but doing same on cloud might jeoparadize your complete security.

Cloud Security & Compliance As A Service

Cloud Compliance As A Service

How the endpoints are talking to each other on different application instances is something which needs to be not seen from point of view of just a certificate but with regards to relevance and requirement of the application.How a particular blob is being exposed in azure storage or how a Amazon S3 bucket is being used gives rise to multiple security concerns. While simple files on a local infrastructure is quite okay within company intranet, when keeping a persistent file storage system, the availability of the files within a container(which by default doesnt enforces any security policy) leads to the file being exposed to anybody and everybody. Anybody can have access to the loaded files or blobs without needing anything which is not even known to the application developer or Implementation engineer
Security is not just about certifications but it is the understanding of the implications.
Cloud Compliance As A Service provides compliance suite, enabling your cloud applications to be not only regulatory compliant but also actually well tested to ensure your deployments are actually meeting industry standards as well as coporate policies as intended.
CCAAS Suite is the solution to your Cloud Compliance requirements. Mitigate the Risks and make you application not only cloud compliant but also security compliant by using various User friendly tools of Compliance checks encompassing various regulatory and Auditing requirments.