Azure Cognitive Services

Cognitive Services now offers much more for customers where data is stored at rest.

Customers around the world can now take advantage of these intelligence services in proximity to their data. The global footprint for Cognitive Services has expanded tremendously — going from 15 to 25 Azure data center regions.

Azure Cognitive Services

Be it unreliable internet connection, or wanting to save on bandwidth cost, or super low latency requirements, or dealing with sensitive data that needs to be analyzed on-site, the Azure IoT Edge with the Cognitive Services containers gives consistency and compatibility with the cloud allowing you to run your analysis on-site and one point management to operate all your sites.

These container images are directly available to try as IoT Edge modules on the Azure Marketplace:

Key Phrase Extraction extracts key talking points and highlights in text supporting languages like English, German, Spanish, or Japanese.
Language Detection detects the natural language of text with a total of 120 languages.
Sentiment Analysis detects the level of positive or negative sentiment for input text using a confidence score across a variety of languages.
Language Understanding applies custom machine learning intelligence to a user’s conversational and natural language text to predict overall meaning and pull out relevant and detailed information.