Azure Cognitive Services

Cognitive Services now offers much more for customers where data is stored at rest. Customers around the world can now take advantage of these intelligence services in proximity to their data. The global footprint for Cognitive Services has expanded tremendously — going from 15 to 25 Azure data center regions. Be it unreliable internet connection,... Read More

Azure Virtual Machines

Virtual Machines are one of several types on-demand, scalable computing resources. Azure VMs provide you with an operating system and networking capabilities to run a wide range of applications. On virtual machine, cloud allows scale on demand. That means that you pay for use on the cloud, and don’t need to maintain the physical hardware... Read More

Blockchain in Azure

Blockchain is a transparent and verifiable system that would change the way people think about exchanging value and assets, enforcing contracts, and sharing data. This technology is a shared, secure ledger of transactions distributed among a network of computers, rather than resting with a single provider. Businesses are using blockchain as a common data layer... Read More

AI with Azure Services

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to be a major driver of digital transformation, with the rapidly advancing technology affecting business strategy and operations, customer interactions and the workforce itself. While these are all general and broad impacts of AI, they continue to be important for businesses trying to keep up with rapid technological advancements. Azure AI... Read More

Azure AI Video Indexer

Azure Artificial Intelligence Video Indexer While machine learning has come in a large way from the initial days of sci-fi robotic visualizations to life-changing experiences across different verticals One of them is media services. Azure has done a large change in incorporating machine languages to media services by providing multiple capabilities like pattern recognition and video indexing. One of the... Read More

Top Marketplace Publisher

    SecureAnyCloud is born in the Cloud Company which is accelerating driven by enterprise needs and are #1 Worlds Largest Publisher for Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform & Amazon AWS Marketplace. SecureAnyCloud specializes in provisioning Hardened Ready to Use Images on Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud Platform to deploy anything from Sharepoint... Read More

Cognosys in partnership with Microsoft simply took India’s 1st ever and biggest trade show on artificial intelligence by storm.We showcased solutions which with help of AI would transform enterprises.Hire genie- Redefining hiring with help of AI.. Webcasting-A simple solution for 2 way webcasting across infinite users. From setting up an intelligent kiosk to having visitors... Read More

Azure HDInsight

Azure HD Insight is a Hadoop service offering hosted in Azure that enables clusters of managed hadoop instances. Azure HDInsight deploys and provisions Apache Hadoop clusters in the cloud, providing a software framework designed to manage, analyze, and report on big data with high reliability and availability. The fully-managed and open source service is based... Read More