Azure Mysql – Easiest way to Migrate workloads for onpremise or Azure web apps
Customers on Azure who have deployed multiple open source solution had a common problem – Most of the open solutions, stacks use MySQL as an RDBMS. For a long time, clearDB was the only MySQL provider on Azure Cloud. This cost problem as commercial plans of ClearDB and service SLA’s was not to the satisfaction of many... Read More
Azure Location Services
Every consumer and enterprise have need of one service – Location Services. Azure location services in this respect has changed the way this has to be manually handled. Azure location services can help solve multiple different problems Search – Multiple different applications required to provide details about the point of interest including various contact information, periods and hours... Read More
Azure Backup: Strategy for Windows Server
Earlier backup of windows server required a lot of IT efforts in way of running HyperV failover clustering or using VCenter backup and replication strategies none of which was easy to roll out or comprehend. IT Ops team use to have nightmares about actually implementing a DR strategy and bringing it live when DR strikes. The problem was not only of... Read More
Azure Compute how GPU’s are changing NoSQL performance game
GPU’s are much needed in a cloud environment where processing can be offloaded to GPU leading to performance enhancement in image processing as well as NoSQL deployments. While everybody requires high compute power it is not every day that we realise that CPU’s can only do a certain part of the work. GPU’s which were traditionally planned to only... Read More
Machine learning content moderation
Machine learning has helped do multiple types of moderation when content is being added in real time. Following types of has gained significance in current world : Images moderation Text moderation Video moderation Human review/moderation Through data training, we are able to moderate real-time content by feeding cognitive services with relevant data analysis. Image Moderation Evaluate content type @ECHO OFF curl -v -X POST... Read More
Azure global VNET pairing
Azure global VNET pairing Customers are always worried about their private data leaving protected networks and riding public network pipe. However, owing to scalability issues and serving customer or internal office across various geographical locations requires them to have virtual networks connected across various geo locations.This creates the problem of data security and privacy. Azure Global VNET pairing solves... Read More
Azure Artificial Intelligence Video Indexer
Azure Artificial Intelligence Video Indexer While machine learning has come in a large way from the initial days of sci-fi robotic visualizations to life-changing experiences across different verticals One of them is media services. Azure has done a large change in incorporating machine languages to media services by providing multiple capabilities like pattern recognition and video indexing. One of the... Read More
Azure IOT : Solving the problem of variety across devices
IOT has always been plagued with the problem of the devices at the lower end not being uninformed. No Vendor is able to standardize the platform and the devices connected to such platform because the hardware vendors to reduce the cost of development come out with there own shortcuts to solve high volume low-cost paradigm. Azure IOT Stack... Read More
Azure: Meltdown Virus and how does it affect multiple Distros
January 3rd has a lot of surprises coming from Google and Microsoft release on spectre and meltdown virus information ahead of Jan 10th planned release. This exploit basically allows high performing processors to leak information and undermine system security. Virtual Machines are able to access memory information on the host machines as well as other virtual machines owing to the absence... Read More
TCP BBR on Azure Linux kernels
TCP BBR on Azure Linux kernels ============================================================================ Google has contributed a patch to networkign componnet of Linux kerner form 4.9 release which addresses a significat inprovement into the way how networking traffic behaves. While tere has been ways by which custom protocals have been written to increase data thoroughput at client and server. TCP BBR... Read More